The Vitalize Project.
Life! It is extremely brief and passes by ever so swiftly. As you’re reading these words right now, I’m sure your mind can flash back 10 years in the blink of an eye. We are all aware of the brevity of life, yet all too often, we still find ourselves getting caught up in the grind and chaos of our surroundings. This becomes a major distraction and coupled with the pain, grief and adversities that come along with the journey of life, our lights slowly begin to dim. Many of us wind up going through the motions, day after day, month after month and year after year just being alive and not truly living! I’ve watched this unfold in thousands of people I’ve met over the years, and that’s why I’ve decided to do something about it!
Enter The Vitalize Project.
The formal definition of Vitalize is to give life to; to make vital, living or alive and to endow with life and vigor.
The purpose of this project is to do exactly that; to flood the world with inspiration and to give life to people all around the entire world. Life is the most precious gift you will ever receive and time is the most valuable resource you will ever have.
From this moment forward, I will spend everyday giving life to all those I come into contact with. Will you join me?